Breaking Down the Importance and Benefits of Mobility In the fitness world, we are often told to push ourselves harder, faster, and stronger. Admist all the physical hustle, we overlook a quiet aspect of our physical health that works behind the scenes, our mobility. You may have heard the saying “move well to move more.” What does
Let’s talk about your cervical spine, the crucial collection of bones and joints that help you do everything from nodding “yes” to dodging a low-hanging branch when you’re walking down the sidewalk (vital life skill to have). If you’ve ever caught yourself craning your neck after a long day at the desk or trying to look
We aren’t referring to the clothing store. Heat-related illnesses are a critical public health concern in the United States. According to the CDC, about 658 people die annually from heat-related causes in the United States. As our climate changes and things begin to warm up, we may start to see a larger increase in heat-related illnesses. Lately, I’ve
Breaking Down Overtraining Syndrome The Downside to Exercise Exercise has so many benefits but there are some very negative side effects of too much exercise. I’m not giving you permission to avoid exercise entirely and binge-watch every episode of The Office (even though that sounds like a dream to me), but there needs to be a
How it works Cold therapy, also known as cryotherapy, works by reducing blood flow to a particular area, which can significantly reduce inflammation and swelling that causes pain, especially around a joint or a tendon. Cryotherapy can temporarily reduce nerve activity, which may also result in pain relief. Types of Cryotherapy There are a number
You’ve heard about infrared technology before, probably in relation to those sleek, glowing heating pads or fancy saunas. Infrared is becoming very trendy in the beauty industry. But what exactly is infrared, and why is it suddenly showing up in everything from recovery tools to skincare? Let’ break it down. What is Infrared, really?! Infrared
Besides the well-touted (and frequently Instagrammed) benefit of adding tone and definition to your muscles, how does strength training help our health? Here are just a few of the many ways. How Strength Training Helps Your Health 1. Strength training makes you stronger and fitter. This benefit is the obvious one, but it shouldn’t be overlooked.
We mean Rest and Recover! So, you’ve just finished your post work-out stretch and are ready to head home. Time to head back to work for another 8 hours?! Don’t fall into the trap of forgetting one of the most important components to your physical fitness! Rest and Recover! Rest and recovery are an essential
Let’s talk about those pedal pushers. The feet joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments take a beating every day (especially for those trying to reach 10,000 steps). Here are some common foot injuries and ways you can treat yourself at home.  Home Remedies Remember, at-home treatments are not used to indicate a diagnosis or substitute the