Let’s talk about your cervical spine, the crucial collection of bones and joints that help you do everything from nodding “yes” to dodging a low-hanging branch when you’re walking down the sidewalk (vital life skill to have). If you’ve ever caught yourself craning your neck after a long day at the desk or trying to look
Let’s talk about those pedal pushers. The feet joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments take a beating every day (especially for those trying to reach 10,000 steps). Here are some common foot injuries and ways you can treat yourself at home.  Home Remedies Remember, at-home treatments are not used to indicate a diagnosis or substitute the
Let’s Improve Your Hip Mobility! Your hips won’t be lying after you start incorporating hip mobility work into your routine! The hip joint is one of the most stabile joints in the body, but because this stability is needed to bear body weight, it is constantly being put to work. As a result of this, it
Getting to the Truth about Hip Pain Have you noticed pain all in the hips? Losing your groove on salsa night? Here is a list of the most common causes of hip pain. Types of Hip Pain Treat It Just like with shoulder injuries, successful treatment requires an accurate diagnosis. A thorough history and examination IS
Low back pain (LBP) is the most common condition that patients seek chiropractic care for. It is even more common today since many people have started working from home due to the pandemic, and are still doing so. Increased sitting time, less physical activity, and suboptimal home office setups are huge causes for this. Working
You may have heard us mention muscle adhesions. Muscle Adhesions AKA myofascial adhesions are bands of scar-like tissue that form between the fibers in your muscle and connective tissue aka fascia. Muscle adhesions may be caused by overuse, trauma aka injuries, surgery, or inflammation. One of the most common topics that come up is soft
Are you experiencing shoulder pain that makes reaching for the remote feel like a Herculean task? What about reaching for the steel cut oats on the top shelf? Does your shoulder make throwing a ball go foul? Fear not, we can help you get back to your OG Hulk strength. Whether you’re dealing with a pesky
Imagine it…the California sun is beating down on your forehead. High pitched squeaks emit from your Hoka tennis shoes as you dart around the pickleball court. Your pickleball game is on fire🔥 but you’re tied up with your opponent. This is your chance; this next shot wins the game. You race across the pavement, swing your arm up
One minute you’re kicking the best field goal of your life and the next, OUCH, you feel a sharp pain at the crease of your thigh. Groin pain is typically located at our “groin crease” where the thigh meets the trunk. Groin pain may be caused from different reasons so it’s important to be properly evaluated by
Pain, especially muscle and joint pain, is often surrounded by misconceptions about pain that can lead to confusion for many. Chiropractic practitioners get asked all the time, “How long will the pain last?” It doesn’t matter if the pain is chronic pain, neck pain, or low back pain – the answer is, “It depends!” Your